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What does AUJS stand for?
AUJS stands for the Australasian Union of Jewish Students. We are the peak representative body of Jewish students on and off campuses across Australia and New Zealand.
How do I find out if AUJS is on my University campus?
Visit your Regions and Campuses page to find out if we are active on your campus.
Can’t find your campus? This may be because we don’t currently have enough volunteers on your campus to register a club. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us through the above form.
Who can I contact to get Involved in AUJS?
To get involved in AUJS please contact us via the above form or to find out who your Regional Presidents are, please click here.
How do I find out if there are AUJS events happening near me?
The best way to find out about upcoming events is through our Facebook pages.
The AUJS Facebook page is nation wide and you can visit the page by clicking here.
To visit your regional/campus page, please click the relavent link below:
AUJS hosts a variety of events throughout all regions on and off-campus. These events can be found here
Most AUJS events and initiatives fall into one or more of the following portfolios:
Social: VIC and NSW Ball, Purim parties, Yom Ha’atzmaut parties, trivia and bar nights, food stalls on a variety of campuses, summer and winter conferences
Political: Political Training Seminar (Canberra), Regional Political Training Seminars, debates & speaker events
Educational: Leadership Training Summit, Campaigns, EMPOWER
Jewish Engagement: Shabbat dinners, Challah Hangouts, festivities on campus for Purim, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Sukkot and more, Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZikaron speakers
How do I get special consideration for Jewish holidays and shabbat?
If you signed up as a member and selected that you would like to receive supporting documentation for special consideration, your letter will be emailed to you with plenty of notice before the holidays.
If you have not yet signed up as a member, you can do so here
For more information, please contact us via email here
What International Programs does AUJS offer?
AUJS offers students the opportunity to go to Israel with Taglit Birthright Israel. Birthright is the gift to experience an immersive 10-day free trip, exploring Jewish culture, history and identity. We send a number of groups in July, December and February.
AUJS offers a 6-week Leadership Development Program for the best and brightest young leaders of our community. LDP visits Israel, the United States and a diaspora country, which changes every year, to learn from the experiences and challenges of Jewish communities around the world.
You can visit our page here to learn more about International Programs, or contact us via email here.